Thursday 8 May 2014

Need a website and can't build it yourself?

If you are above-average in computer literacy you may be able to build your own website, using one of the many tools readily available.  But the best tools cost in the region of £400, and if you only want the one website that's a bit steep.  And what if you struggle with programs like Microsoft Word?  Will you cope with a website building tool?

Maybe the best thing is to have a site built for you.  In St. Helena you could go to Burgh House Software who will happily build a website for you, maybe for less than you would have spent on a website building tool.

They've been building websites for a decade and their work includes the Moonbeams Shop, Saint Helena Island Info, The Bahá’í Community of St. Helena, Huxtable St. Helena Limited, St. Helena Freedom of Information Campaign and a new site, still under construction: Human Rights St. Helena.

Interestingly, their website building page also contains a simple utility that will test the speed of your Internet connection and will report (separately) the download and upload speed.

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