Saturday 3 May 2014

Moonbeams Shop

What site to pick first?  Well how about the Moonbeams Shop?

Moonbeams is a shop (Duh?) in Saint Helena (the island in the South Atlantic, not either of the places in America or the island off Australia, and not to be confused with St. Helens, which is in the UK).  You can read more about Saint Helena on the Saint Helena Island Info site, also published by the  Moonbeams Shop.

Moonbeams sells cards, gifts and souvenirs, most of the latter being locally made from local materials.  It also helps island visitors by printing photos and by writing the contents of your camera's memory card to a CD or DVD (so you can wipe the card and take more photos).  Indeed they're so keen on photos they even publish Photography Tips.

One feature that more businesses on Saint Helena might one day emulate is that you can place an order with the shop by email, pay into their international bank account and they will deliver your product anywhere on St. Helena - great if you want to surprise someone living on the island.  Contact details are on the site.

The Moonbeams site is written and maintained for Moonbeams by Burgh House Software.

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