Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Independent is now on Facebook and Twitter

The Independent is now publishing news snippets on Facebook.  Go to and don't forget to 'like' and 'follow' the page so you get all the updates.

Or if you prefer your news in sound-byte form, they have a Twitter feed at

All the news you will ever need!

Thursday 6 November 2014

New site:

A new island website will launch this Saturday. is about a house in Napoleon Street, Jamestown, which is now in possession of the Turner family.  The owners say they are keen to hear from anyone who can help them research the history of the building.

Check it out, after about 10am (GMT) on Saturday 8th November 2014.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Saturday 18 October 2014

This set sets out the business services offered by DALCO Ltd, a St. Helena building company.

They offer:

  • Plumbing and Heating
  • Electrical
  • Tiling
  • Decorating (Exterior & Interior)
  • Concrete works
  • Block works
  • Woodwork
  • Plastering

Check out

And also, if you haven't looked at recently, you really should - it's been greatly expended in recent weeks.  You can also interact with its Facebook page at

Friday 8 August 2014

Saint Helena Island Information

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the Saint Helena Island Information site before, but the site is now greatly expanded and enhanced, and so is worth another mention.

Apart from a "Where is St. Helena" page,  some useful Visitor Information and some fascinating island images, what makes the site special is the Island Detail section, comprising:

  • Astronomy
  • A Brief History
  • Carnival
  • Christmas Celebrations
  • Classic Cars
  • St. Helena Coffee
  • Coins of St. Helena
  • Country Music
  • Diving
  • Dolphin watching
  • Donkeys
  • Driving in St. Helena
  • Easter Activities
  • Endemic Species
  • Exiles
  • Famous Visitors
  • Fishcakes, and other food
  • Fly here?
  • The Governor’s Cup
  • “Gravity Rush”
  • Guns
  • Historic Buildings
  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • Jonathan the tortoise
  • Longwood House
  • The Millennium Forest
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Our National Song
  • Our Newspaper
  • Our Flag
  • Photography
  • Place-Name Puzzle
  • Plantation House
  • Postage Stamps
  • Radio St. Helena
  • The RMS St. Helena
  • Saint FM
  • ‘Seabirds’
  • Speak Saint
  • Sport in St. Helena
  • St. Helena’s Day
  • Walking St. Helena
  • Weather and climate
  • The Wirebird
  • Yachting
  • Read articles about St. Helena
  • Could you live here?

Everything you could need or want to know!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Burgh House (the place)

I've mentioned previously that Burgh House is for sale. I can now report that the owners have reduced the asking price.  Check out the Burgh House website and see the poster below:

Saturday 21 June 2014

Listen again ... historic SaintFM!

Remember all the old SaintFM adverts from 2005-7? The Thorpe's ones featuring Emma-Jane Yon and Joe Terry? The Queen Mary advert with the Pink Panther music?  The infamous Coffee Shop advert?


If so go to  


Thursday 12 June 2014

Everything you need

Or so it says on their website.  Everything? Well maybe not, but if it's food, household appliances, cleaning materials, DIY bits and bobs and everything else you might expect to find in a supermarket, grocers or hardware store, Thorpe's can probably supply it.

Oh, and wine, beer, sprits, etc.

And cat and dog food.

Or even white goods

car parts


oh I give up - just about everything.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Want to find out how to ...?

Well then, you need to get some training.  And if it's management or business training you need then Burgh House Training is where you need to look.

Burgh House Training (strictly, "Burgh House Training & Development") helps organisations, including government departments, private sector businesses and others, to design and deliver effective training & development programmes that improve staff performance and confidence in their work, including management training, business training and work-related personal development training and coaching.

We hear that their courses are not just spot-on for subject material but, unlike so much training, are actually fun to attend.

The course list covers: Assertiveness At Work • Basic Bookkeeping • Basic Business Skills • Building Customer-Centred Organisations • Building Winning Teams • Coaching Skills • Designing Effective Induction Programmes • Effective Business Writing • Effective Business Writing Overview • Effective Inter-personal Skills • Effective Office Administration • Effective Stress Management • Effective Time Management • Essential Customer Care • Making Effective Presentations • Management Skills • Managing Change • Managing Conflict • Managing Successful Projects • Managing Yourself • Masterclass Workshops • Motivating Effectively • Negotiating Effectively • Planning Effective Training & Development • Recruitment & Selection • Retailing Skills • Supervisor Skills • Taking Effective Minutes • Taking the lead • The Effective Receptionist • The Prevention and Detection of Money Laundering • Thinking, Planning & Decision Making • Writing Effective Announcements

They will even design a training course specifically for you.

Friday 16 May 2014

Bahá’í Community on the Island of St. Helena

Never heard if the Bahá’í Faith?  You're probably in the majority.  And yet the Bahá’í Community on the Island of St. Helena is (as far as we can tell) the only Faith on Saint Helena to operate a website(*).  So if you're curious, go to the Bahá’í Community on the Island of St. Helena website and read all about it ...

(*) if you know better please file a comment

PS if you prefer to be an atheist, the blog "A man without God is like a fish without a bicycle" may amuse.

Thursday 15 May 2014

History of radio on St. Helena

A site of interest is that of Burgh House Media Productions.

Apart from describing their work, and featuring a number of amusing audio downloads, of particular interest is the History of broadcast radio on St. Helena.  This covers how broadcasting developed on the island right up to the present day (last update: May 2014), especially featuring the "radio war" that broke out in 2012 and is still going!

Possibly the best download is on the Sunday Night Rock Show page.

There's also a useful list of anti-war songs on the page ‘Music for Peace & World Unity

Friday 9 May 2014

What are your rights?

A new website has been launched today, dedicated to helping Saints find out more about their Human Rights.  Human Rights aren't given to you by the government - they're yours just by being human!  But sometimes old laws and rules may take away those rights, and that's what the Human Rights St. Helena project is addressing.  That and helping Saints learn what rights they have and how this can improve their daily lives.  YOUR daily life!

Check out the the Human Rights St. Helena website, and keep checking back because content is being continually uploaded.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Want to come and live here?

If you're fed up with the hustle and bustle of life, maybe you should change down a gear (or two!)  The relaxed, friendly, near-crime-free lifestyle of St. Helena can be a welcome change to those who face the daily grind of life.  Hate commuting - here nowhere is more than 40 minutes drive from anywhere else (and there are no delayed or cancelled trains - because there are no trains!)  Would you like to walk into a bar and find you know most of the people inside?  Would you like your kids to play freely without you having to constantly watch over them and worry about their safety?

But to live here you need a house, and buying one of those is not as easy as it sounds.  There are no estate agents, so you can't just register and wait for leaflets to drop through your door (or emails into your inbox).  Some property for sale is advertised in the St. Helena Independent but a lot more isn't.  How can you find the property you want?

The answer is Property Search St. Helena.  They will find your dream-home for you!  Just tell them what you are looking for, what you like and what you don't, and they will search around and give you a list of properties to consider.  It's as simple as that!

By the way, if you want a three bedroom house in two acres of forest have a look at Burgh House.

Do you value your privacy?

When you're using the Internet did you realise that people can electronically look over your shoulder and see what pages you are looking at?  Did you know that the websites you visit could find out who and where you are, even if you don't tell them?  If you would prefer to surf privately and anonymously, read on ...

The Problem

Every time you visit a website the operators of that site are told your "IP Address".  This is the unique identifier for you machine on the Internet.  So they can identify you and find out where you are.

And most internet communications use unsecured communications.  That means that anybody can snoop on the messages you send.  They could, for example, produce a list of all the pages you have visited.

The Solution

The simplest solution to both of the above problems is to use a system called "Tor".

Tor, put simply, allows you to surf the web privately, free from snooping and so that the sites you visit cannot trace you.  How Tor works is explained on its website but, if you have ever seen Criminal Minds you will know the trick.  When Garcia is trying to trace a message across the Internet and admits defeat because the sender is "bouncing his message off lots of intermediate points" that's something like Tor.

Download Tor, install it on your computer and you can surf the Internet completely anonymously.

NB: OK Tor is not actually a St. Helena site, but privacy is a big thing on St. Helena, where the community is small and it often seems like everybody knows your business.  So its inclusion seems to be a worthwhile exception.

Need a website and can't build it yourself?

If you are above-average in computer literacy you may be able to build your own website, using one of the many tools readily available.  But the best tools cost in the region of £400, and if you only want the one website that's a bit steep.  And what if you struggle with programs like Microsoft Word?  Will you cope with a website building tool?

Maybe the best thing is to have a site built for you.  In St. Helena you could go to Burgh House Software who will happily build a website for you, maybe for less than you would have spent on a website building tool.

They've been building websites for a decade and their work includes the Moonbeams Shop, Saint Helena Island Info, The Bahá’í Community of St. Helena, Huxtable St. Helena Limited, St. Helena Freedom of Information Campaign and a new site, still under construction: Human Rights St. Helena.

Interestingly, their website building page also contains a simple utility that will test the speed of your Internet connection and will report (separately) the download and upload speed.

So what do young St. Helenians get up to?

Well, yes, that obviously, otherwise we'd soon run out of St. Helenians ("Saints"), but actually they do other things too.  They get involved in trying to make St. Helena a better place.  Check out the Saint Helena Youth Parliament site.

"Youth Parliament is a worldwide movement giving young people a voice and the opportunity to be heard by the people who make decisions about their lives.
Founded in October 2011 the Youth Parliament is a body that is completely independent of schools or government and our motto is :Our Island, Our Future."

Read more about what they get up to on the site.

Incidentally this site is sponsored by Burgh House, though the site was put together by one of the members.

Monday 5 May 2014

Want to get cross about something?

How about the fact that the government of St. Helena keeps secrets from its people?

Most civilised countries have a Freedom of Information law, which guarantees citizens the right to ask questions of their government - and get answers.

St. Helena does not.

Why not?

To find out, consult the St. Helena Freedom of Information site.

Saturday 3 May 2014

The remotest part of the remotest place ...

Saint Helena is, let's face it, pretty remote.  It takes about a week to reach it by ship from the nearest landmass - Africa.

Most of the action in Saint #Helena takes place in Jamestown, in the north, but far away from there at the other end of the island is the district of Blue Hill.  And if you continue through Blue Hill you get to possibly the remotest part of this remote island: Barren Ground.

Just thought you might want to know ...

(PS: Want to buy a house in this remote spot? Far away from the madding crowd - and also from the noise of the new airport?  Splendid isolation, anyone?  Check out Burgh House (The Place) -  not to be confused with Burgh House (The Business).

More St. Helena news

Check out journalist Simon Pipe's blog St Helena Online.

Simon has a long career in journalism and has visited Saint Helena many times.  Although he is based in the UK the stories he covers on  St Helena Online are always current and definitely in touch with what's happening here.

Many of Simon's stories are reproduced in the Saint Helena Independent.

Where on earth IS Saint Helena?

The answer is on the Saint Helena Island Info website.

The site features Visitor Information (including the answer to the question posed by the title of this posting), Pictures of Saint Helena and many pages of Saint Helena Island Detail.

"As if being a beautiful sub-tropical island paradise is not enough, St. Helena has many interesting aspects. Some of them are mentioned here. If there is something about St. Helena that we have not covered please contact us and we’ll try to add it in."

The site is provided by the Moonbeams gifts & souvenirs shop in Jamestown, St. Helena. It was created and is maintained by Burgh House Software.

For more information you could also try the Wikipedia Saint Helena page.

News, views and music from Saint Helena

If you want to stay in touch with what's happening on Saint Helena you need the SaintFM Community Radio website.

SaintFM broadcasts across the island on 93.1MHz, 95.1MHz and 106.7MHz but even if you are thousand of miles away you can still Listen Live.

Also on the SaintFM Community Radio website you can download the Saint Helena Independent, a weekly newspaper packed with news, events, gossip, adverts and letters (often quite challenging, shall we say?)

SaintFM Community Radio is a non-commercial group mostly run by volunteers.  "The output is unique, it doesn’t possess the slick sound heard and expected from professional stations in big countries."  Give it a listen!  Maybe you'll even want to become a member of SaintFM Community Radio.

You may also be interested by the Burgh House Media Productions site, where some of the content broadcast on SaintFM has originated.

The place to stay when visiting Saint Helena

Hotels are terribly expensive so what about a self-catering flat?  But it must be in Jamestown, where all the action is.  Somewhere where you can walk to the shops, restaurants, sea side and night life.  Well the answer is on the Huxtable Saint Helena website.

Four flats right in the centre of Jamestown, but set back from the main road - the perfect blend of accessibility and tranquility.

If you want to arrange a stay contact details are on the site.

Burgh House

Burgh House (strictly, Burgh House Limited) is a business support company based on the island of Saint Helena.  It helps local business in a variety of ways, and is also keen to talk with investors overseas who are considering investing in Saint Helena.

It offers a wide range of services and they are happy to discuss with you your needs.  "Whatever the issue you face we can help" they promise.

The Burgh House site is written and maintained for Moonbeams by Burgh House Software.

Moonbeams Shop

What site to pick first?  Well how about the Moonbeams Shop?

Moonbeams is a shop (Duh?) in Saint Helena (the island in the South Atlantic, not either of the places in America or the island off Australia, and not to be confused with St. Helens, which is in the UK).  You can read more about Saint Helena on the Saint Helena Island Info site, also published by the  Moonbeams Shop.

Moonbeams sells cards, gifts and souvenirs, most of the latter being locally made from local materials.  It also helps island visitors by printing photos and by writing the contents of your camera's memory card to a CD or DVD (so you can wipe the card and take more photos).  Indeed they're so keen on photos they even publish Photography Tips.

One feature that more businesses on Saint Helena might one day emulate is that you can place an order with the shop by email, pay into their international bank account and they will deliver your product anywhere on St. Helena - great if you want to surprise someone living on the island.  Contact details are on the site.

The Moonbeams site is written and maintained for Moonbeams by Burgh House Software.


This blog is a throwback.  These days bloggers write about pretty much everything, but that is not where blogging began.  The term blog is adapted from "web log" and in the early days blogs were simply lists of sites the author had discovered which he or she thought others may also find interesting.

Then in addition to listing sites the blog authors added comments on them.  The comments grew and the blog link became lass prominent and, today, have pretty much disappeared.

So this blog is a throwback. It will be a list of websites.  I will add comments, but I'm not going to diversify into chat, my life history, my political opinions or any of the stuff that blogs today comprise.

Any questions?