Wednesday 3 August 2016

Index of all pages currently on Saint Helena Island Info

Here is a complete index of all pages currently on Saint Helena Island Info (All about St. Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean):

Information Index (Start here…)


Island Detail (Read about our island)


Island History (Read about the history of our island)


Island Places (Read about places on our island)


Island People (Read about the people of, and related to, our island)


Island Activities (Things to see or do)


Pictures (A picture paints a thousand words)


Community Pages (It’s what’s happening…)


Frequently Asked Questions (... and other useful information)


Important Information (Important legal and technical information, including Terms & Conditions for your use of this site)


Contact Saint Helena Island Info (Ways to get in touch)


Related Sites (Links to useful related sites)


Link To Us (We’d appreciate it)


Downloads (An index to referenced documents)


Picture Gallery (Thumbnails that can be expanded to full size images)


Historic Picture Gallery (Thumbnails that can be expanded to full size images)


Slide Show (Automated picture show in random sequence)


Historic Images Slide Show (Automated historic image show in random sequence)


Blue Magic (band) (Rock, Blues, Reggae)


The Community Development Organisation (Supporting the island’s community groups)


Freedom of Information Campaign (It’s about improving the way Government takes decisions)


Friends of St. Helena (Founded in March 1988)


Human Rights on St. Helena (Working for a fairer St. Helena)


“Save Our Ship” (A campaign…)


St. Helena Nature Conservation Group (Supporting the environment of St. Helena since 1993)


Alarm Forest (The place to live)


Astronomy (Dark skies, warm nights)


Blogs (Writing about St. Helena)


Blue Hill (Not many have been there)


Boer Prisoners (1900-1902) (Home-from-home - almost)


Bridge Memorial Clock (Tick Tock)


A Brief History (How we got to here)


Building St. Helena Airport (Built and operating…sort of…)


Carnival (Fun in the sun)


Castle Gardens (Sit and watch the world go by)


Characters of St. Helena (Eccentric? Colourful? Mad? Crriminal? You decide…)


Christmas Celebrations (A great time to be here)


Churches of St. Helena (And other religious buildings)


Classic Cars (Travel back in time)


St. Helena Coffee (“The only good thing about St. Helena is the coffee” - Napoleon Bonaparte)


Notes and Coins of St. Helena (Money, Money, Money)


Communications (Getting the message)


Our Constitution (Our supreme legislative document)


Country Music (Keepin’ it country…)


Cruise Ship Days (An unusual hive of activity)


Diana’s Peak (Our highest point)


Diplomatic Wireless Station (Or was it spying?)


Discovery of St. Helena (It’s not that simple)


Diving (For old wrecks . . . and anyone else.)


Dolphin watching (. . . and other marine activities)


Donkeys (Formerly the backbone of St. Helena transport)


Do they mean us? (Some poorly researched pieces to amuse)


Driving in St. Helena (Keep left…almost always)


Easter Activities (Fishing and camping)


Endemic Species (They only live here)


Exiles (Not all our visitors wanted to be here!)


Family And Friends (How to find people on St. Helena)


Famous Visitors (Let’s drop a few names)


Fishcakes, and other food (A taste of St. Helena)


Fishing (Hook, line and sinker)


Our Flag (You may want to salute)


The Flax Industry (Economic lifeline or ecological disaster?)


Fly here? (Coming soon…)


Fly Yourself Here (Open for visitors)


The Missing Fountain Mystery (Where did it go?)


Geology of St. Helena (Upon this rock…)


Ghost Stories of St. Helena (Don’t look round, but…)


The Governor of St. Helena (The one at the top)


The Governor’s Cup (Racing to St. Helena)


The Governor’s Hat (If you want to get ahead…)


“Gravity Rush” (It’s all downhill from here)


Guns (Old and older)


Half Tree Hollow (Home on the hill)


Amateur (“Ham”) Radio (CQ, CQ, CQ)


The Heart Shaped Waterfall (For lovers everywhere)


High Knoll Fort (Important, in the past and today)


Historic Buildings (A standing reminder)


Holidays and other festivals (Time to celebrate)


Houses (A home on the range)


Important People (They made their mark)


Invasion! (The only time St. Helena has been captured)


Jacob’s Ladder (Stairway to heaven?)


Jamestown (Where it all happens)


Jobs on St. Helena (You want to work here?)


Jonathan the tortoise (The world’s oldest resident?)


The Leisure Park (Eat, drink and be merry)


Lemon Valley (Everything but the lemons)


Levelwood (Quiet and rural)


Could you live here? (Some of what you need to consider)


“Local”? (Isn’t that everything?)


Longwood (Napoleon; and others)


Longwood House (Napoleon’s residence)


Lost and almost-lost Buildings (“In need of some work…”)


Lost Ships (Our seabed is littered with wrecks)


Maps of St. Helena (Finding your way around)


Memories of St. Helena (“Well, back in the day…”)


The Millennium Forest (Haven’t you grown…)


The Mule Yard (No longer a place for donkeys)


Our island’s name (What, exactly, is it?)


Napoleon Bonaparte (His imprisonment, his death, and some things you maybe don’t know about him)


Napoleonic Bicentenary (A reason to celebrate…)


Napoleon’s Tomb (But not his final resting place)


National Flower (Unique to St. Helena)


Our national song, “My St. Helena Island” (Unofficially, at least)


National Symbols (Official and otherwise)


Our Newspapers (All the week’s news and views)


Nicknames (Who on earth is “Gavin Ellick”?)


Pantomime (Oh, yes it is…!)


Photography (Leave only footprints; take only photographs)


Place Names (Some we can explain; some we can’t)


Plantation House (The Governor’s Residence)


Postage Stamps (Write me a letter …write it today)


Postcards of St. Helena (Old…and older)


Quincentenary of St. Helena (“Looking Up - Looking Forward”)


Radio St. Helena (The voice of the island for 45 years)


Our (Other) Railway (Useful; not quite as famous)


Reading Sports (Home from home)


The St. Helena Regiment (‘The Old Saints’)


Renewable Energy (Being a ‘green’ island)


RMS St. Helena (The last ocean-going Royal Mail Ship)


The Run (Think of it as a long, thin park)


Rupert’s (So near, and yet so far)


Saint FM Community Radio (93.1, 95.1 and 106.7)


Saint FM (2004-2012) (The original heartbeat of St. Helena)


Saint Helena (She gave our island her name)


SAMS Gold (Continuous music)


SAMS Radio 1 (102.7MHz, 90.5MHz, 105.1MHz & 105.3MHz)


SAMS Radio 2 (The BBC World Service on FM)


Sandy Bay (Let’s go to the beach!)


‘Seabirds’ (Fairy Terns… and others)


The Seven Wonders of St. Helena (Or maybe there are eight…)


Slaves and slavery (Part of what makes us what we are)


Speak Saint (Understand what Saints are saying)


Sport in St. Helena (Playing the game)


St. Helena’s Day (Celebrating our island’s discovery)


St. Paul’s (The heartland of St. Helena)


Origins of island surnames (How islanders got their family names)


Go Swimming! (People have been doing it since the Stone Age)


Theatres (All the world’s a stage)


Time (Everything on St. Helena starts 20 minutes late)


Two St. Helenas? (Our mythical sister island)


Visitor Information (Come and discover our island)


Walking St. Helena (Well off the beaten track)


Weather and climate (Be prepared!)


Shopping: What to buy (A bit of St. Helena to take home)


What To Do (The essentials!)


Where is St. Helena? (How to find St. Helena on a map)


The Wirebird (Bird on a wire?)


Yachting (A convenient stopover in the South Atlantic)


Zzyzx (Anything that didn’t fit in elsewhere)


Read articles about St. Helena (Articles related to the Island of St. Helena)


Read articles about St. Helena (Older) (Older articles related to the Island of St. Helena)


Error Page (The page you requested could not be found)


Introduction (Saint Helena Island Info: All about St. Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean)


Site Index (Help with locating pages on this site)


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